L’Oréal Colorista #dirtypinkhair

Since the age of 17 I have been obsessed with dying my hair. Fire engine red, brassy orange (youthful mistakes!), purple, blonde, blue black, ombre, you name it, I’ve done it!

My obsession with hair colour has no signs of slowing down and thanks to Beauty Crew, this week I tried the pastel goodness of L’Oréal’s Colorista #dirtypinkhair.

The Application:

The first challenge was trying to make one bottle cover my thick long hair. The instructions suggest applying the colour as either ombre, highlights or full coverage, so I decided to apply it as highlights.

I loved how simple and quick this product was to use! Begin with washed and dried hair, apply the dye, leave in for 15 – 30 minutes depending on the vibrancy you want to achieve, and rinse out!

The Results:

The image on the bottle looks like a cool pastel pink, mine however came out a dirty pink, which is exactly what the name of the colour states!

Unfortunately, it was a little patchy as one bottle wasn’t enough (I would think at least two bottles are required for us thick haired folks!) and if my hair base was a lighter shade of blonde, I think the colour would have turned out brighter. The packaging states the product will not work on brunettes, and my hair is currently medium blonde, so to work optimally I think you need to be light blonde!

The Washout:

I’ve had two shampoos since and the colour is still slightly showing from the middle section to the ends. With one more wash I would say the product should be completely out, and then I won’t have to explain to my hairdresser (who is also my sister) why my hair is pink!

The Verdict:

L’Oréal Colorista #dirtypinkhair is a great quality product, was very easy to use!

Image Source: http://www.amourdesoi.de

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