My Little Angel

Three months ago I adopted a gorgeous little girl named Roxy. She was the most sweetest and loving kitty I could have ever of hoped for.

Unfortunately she started to become ill recently, losing the use of the lower half of her body. It broke my heart seeing her so alive and well, always happy, purring, attentive and wanting to be loved but quickly losing her capability to walk and control her bowels.

It all happened very suddenly and with 2 attempts at failed medicine I had to make the difficult choice to put her to sleep.

She was such a fighter the whole time and I was a mess taking her to the vet that last time, however the Dr was very comforting and assured me it was the right thing to do considering her quality of life was quickly diminishing.

As I held her in my arms for those last fleeting moments I was absolutely devastated but knew that she was going to a better place.

This is for my Roxy. I love you and miss you every day.

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