New Years Resolutions
Every new years I jot down some goals that I hope to achieve throughout the upcoming year. While writing these goals is a positive thing to do, over the last 5 years I have actually achieved maybe only half of my goals…
My failings are a bit embarrassing but I am glad I can finally admit this to both myself and to you all on this blog. By publicly recognising my past shortcomings I will be more motivated to achieve all my goals this year!
The year 2012 was definitely the year of travel for me, which was fantastic, but I have decided that 2013 will be quite different and will be a year of focusing on study and personal growth.
I have already enrolled in some educational courses, and I am so excited about the prospect of studying social media strategies, digital media and marketing. While social media has always been a personal interest of mine, throughout 2012 (and still ongoing) I have been working with some of my colleagues on social media marketing for their personal businesses. This experience has confirmed to me that social media marketing is a passion that I am keen to turn into my profession.
Outside of my goals I still have the cliche but important new years resolutions; eat healthy, exercise 4-5 times a week and cook dinner at least 5 times a week instead of take out. While these new years resolutions may fall to the way side, I am excited by the idea of finally moving towards all my goals.
I hope everyone reading has set out their yearly goals and I truly hope you all endeavour to achieve them!!
Feel free to list your goals publicly in the comments section so we can all make 2013 our year of achieving 🙂